Acceptable use policy

Last Updated: April 2, 2024

We do not allow any activity or content that promotes or encourages discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or age. To provide specic examples (though by no means an exhaustive list), you cannot:

• Threaten any specic individual

• Incite violence against a specic person, place, or group

• Share private information about a citizen without their permission

The following products and activities are not allowed to be monetized using Teachly's platform. This is almost always because they violate U.S. federal law, they are prohibited by card network rules, or they are restricted by our payment processing partners. If you are unsure whether your content is prohibited on Teachly, please contact us at with a description or example of the content.

1. Unlicensed proprietary content

2. Food products and ingredients (including consumer packaged goods, livestock, plants, and seeds) 3. Airlines

4. Bail bonds

5. Bankruptcy lawyers

6. Bidding fee or penny auctions

7. Age or legally restricted products or services

8. Sexually-oriented or pornographic content (including but not limited to adult books or video, adult telephone conversations or audio, membership to adult websites or content, companion or escort services, dating services, mail-order brides, massage parlors and prostitution, or content of any format that features characters who are minors, are depicted as minors, or are suggested to be minors in any sexual or sensual context)

9. Cell phones/pagers

10. Centralized reservation services

11. Collection agencies

12. Chain letters

13. Check cashing

14. Counterfeit goods/replicas

15. Currency exchange (including physical, digital or cryptographic currency exchange)

16. Consulting rms

17. Services (including, but not limited to, "get rich quick" schemes, business opportunities, investment opportunities, mortgage consulting, real estate purchases, mortgage reduction services and credit repair and protection)

18. Billing services (including, but not limited to, accepting payment for services rendered and billing for services to be performed in the future)

19. Credit card and identity theft protection

20. Cruise lines

21. Flea markets

22. Drug paraphernalia

23. Essay mills/paper mills

24. Extended warranties

25. Fortune tellers

26. Gambling (including legal gambling where the cardholder is not present when the bet is made, lotteries, illegal gambling, internet gambling, sports forecasting and odds making)

27. Illegal products or services

28. Marijuana dispensaries and related businesses

29. Money transmission

30. Money service businesses

31. Multi-level marketing or pyramid schemes

32. Wire transfers or money orders

33. Pharmacies or internet pharmacies

34. Pseudo pharmaceuticals (including anti-aging pills, sexual stimulants, weight loss pills, diet pills) 35. Quasi-cash or stores of value

36. Security brokerage

37. Door-to-door sales

38. Oering substantial rebates or special incentives that are awarded to the cardholder subsequent to the original purchase

39. Negative response marketing techniques

40. Deceptive marketing practices

41. Reselling private label rights products

42. Shipping/forwarding brokers

43. Substances designed to mimic illegal drugs

44. Telemarketing

45. Timeshares

46. Tobacco products

47. Weapons or ammunition

48. Jewelry or beauty products

This list is maintained separately from Teachly's Terms and Conditions. Teachly makes every eort to keep this list as current as possible. You are expected to, and you acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to, carefully review this Policy prior to using Teachly and from time to time, so that you are aware of any changes.  If we make a change to this Policy that, in our sole discretion, is material, we will notify you as appropriate under the circumstances.  Unless otherwise indicated, any changes to this Policy will apply immediately upon posting to Teachly.  In all cases, your use of Teachly after “Last Updated” date listed on this Policy indicates your acceptance to the modied or updated Policy.